Suggestion Box

Suggestions and projects come from participation

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The “Suggestion Box” is an initiative that has seen the active involvement of employees and collaborators for over ten years. The history of the Suggestion Box, however, begins much earlier… in 1871, when a Scottish shipbuilder offered rewards to stimulate suggestions from his employees to improve the quality and cost-effectiveness of work. In Italy, the first case dates back to 1949 thanks to the foresight of Stipel (the Piedmont and Lombardy inter-regional telephone company) with the goal of encouraging collaboration between employees and management. In the space of ten years, Stipel received about two thousand suggestions of which 350 were implemented and rewarded.

It was the senior manager, Alessandro Becattini, who first introduced the Suggestion Box to Euro Stampaggi. He got the idea in the 1990s when he was working with the French, who were the pioneers in Europe for organisational issues, on total quality and employee care.

Over ten years, more than five hundred suggestions and ideas have been received from staff, of which around one hundred have been successfully applied – clear proof of the real success of this initiative.

A success not only because so many suggestions, ideas and projects have been collected but also, and above all, because of its ability to involve people and have them participate in company life. Sharing, teamwork, creating a climate of respect and friendship are difficult objectives, perhaps the most ambitious of all, but we cannot avoid doing everything we possibly can to achieve them.

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