Euro Mim Toscana

Together with its sister company, Euro Mim Veneta, it is the latest company to join the Euro Stampaggi family. Up until 2022, Metal Injection Moulding (MIM) was physically located at the LCS Stamp facility and the Euro Stampaggi facility but was then “diverted” to this new company: Euro Mim Toscana, based in the new facility at via San Colombano 183 in Scandicci.

The Group’s customers have had, over the years, the opportunity to learn about this new technology and, thanks to the potential demonstrated by this new company specialising exclusively in MIM, it can now be considered a valid complement to traditional moulding processes.

Euro MIM Toscana s.r.l.
Via San Colombano, 183 – 50018 Scandicci (Fi) – Italy
Tel. +39 055 0498427

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